Mission Statement
The mission of Millennium Charter Academy is to form intelligent, virtuous citizens through classical education.

The Vision for MCA
As a natural advancement of our stated Mission and Goals, Millennium Charter Academy will develop citizens of virtuous character who think well and, as leaders, contribute to our communities, our nation, and the world. Our students will understand that a good citizen rules and is ruled; is independent, yet simultaneously in relation with others; and, is grounded in an honest search for knowable, universal truth, goodness, and beauty. To foster this model of citizenship, we will maintain our delivery of a robust, classical curriculum, deepen our implementation of classical education, and continue our principle-based discipline grounded in love for the individual and respect for the corporate good, as well as a belief in redemption and growth. Through these means, we will increase our attention to developing the following characteristics of citizenship in our students: 1) an awareness of themselves as members of a community, from local to national to global; 2) a devotion to intellectual and moral integrity, including an ability to fashion credible ideas and to argue logically; 3) a respect for the rule of law; and 4) an appreciation of American constitutional democracy.